
Monday, November 14, 2022

GIS Definition and Overview

GIS Definition and Overview


GIS Definition and Overview

A geographic information system (GIS) is an integrated system that is used to produce, capture, store, analyze, manage, and visualize all forms of spatial or geographical data and information. Such systems are regarded as critical instruments, among others, in the scientific subject of geoinformatics. GIS employs core principles of geography, cartography, and geodesy to enable end users to generate queries, analyze spatial data, offer data in maps, and exhibit the ultimate outcomes of all of these activities via detailed thematic digital maps.

What is GIS Used for?

Spatial data and information can be retrieved and integrated using such systems, and automated applications (static or dynamic) can be created to cover a wide range of fields of interest, including engineering, planning, management, transportation/logistics, insurance, telecommunications, and the environment. Many GIS applications have been created, but are not limited to, the following sectors:

·        Atmospheric sciences

·        Agriculture and forestry

·        Archaeology

·        Construction

·        Commerce

·        Defense

·        Environmental protection/natural disaster management

·        Governmental Administration

·        Geophysical research

·        Health/medical resource management

·        Transportation

·        Telecommunications

Although the majority of GIS applications use shared starting datasets, an administrative authority can produce its own spatial data and metadata for its own GIS if appropriate. The majority of users are only interested in examining features of GIS data. Significantly fewer groups of users are active in spatial data analysis and/or the production and update of initial/thematic/attribute data.

Components of GIS

The data overlay is a structural feature of GIS. Analytically, each type of data represents a different data layer. Many various layers of data can be evaluated and merged using GIS, resulting in final data and deliverables. The integration of diverse data layers enables the creation of final thematic digital maps that respond to user needs. All that is required for the combination of several data layers are some common properties, features, and the use of the same datum and projection system across all layers. A GIS, as an integrated system, is made up of five major components:

·        Hardware (computers, servers, digitizers, scanners, and printers)

·        Software (operating system, GIS application)

·        Users (basic users with varying levels of access who provide services, analyze data, coordinate procedures, and define final products, as well as end users who view/obtain final data and products)

·        Data types that are supported (any kind of spatial data of vector and raster types, as well as attribute data)

·        Procedures (e.g., input/capture data, data management, spatial analysis and modeling).

Geographical Information Systems are Science or Technology

Many people disagree on whether GIS is a science or merely a technology. Some believe that it is a discipline that overlaps with various other sciences like as surveying, computing, statistics, and geography. Each key that is pressed in any geographic information system application is nothing more than the execution of a series of processes that can be traced back to one of the aforementioned sciences. For example, within the GIS program, the command "Change the projection" is based on the implementation of a set of mathematical spatial equations (the geodesic area) that define the steps for calculating the projection map change from one type to another, as well as co-ordinates for other references.  Accordingly, geographic information systems constitute, from the point of view of those who develop them and invent new tools within them, a knowledge of computer and information sciences. On the other hand, whoever uses GIS programs, as they are, in his field of specialization sees them as a new technology that helps him in practical applications in his field of work; these are the users of GIS.

The overview of the application of geographic information systems is that they provide their users with answers to five questions that discuss each of the following: location, condition, trend, pattern, and model:

·        Location: What is in a specific location? GIS responds by displaying data (map and metadata) about the phenomena in a specific place.

·        Condition: Where is this requirement located? GIS answers by identifying locations that meet certain conditions or specifications.

·        Trend: What has changed? GIS provides an answer by specifying the state of a particular site on different dates in order to know about the variables occurring there.

·        Pattern: How are the phenomena distributed spatially? GIS answers by determining the distribution pattern of a particular phenomenon in a specific geographic spot.

·        Model: What if? GIS provides an answer by formulating a natural phenomenon and understanding its dates and places of occurrence so that changes that may occur in it can be predicted.

Importance of GIS

GIS technology is to geographical analysis what the microscope, the telescope, and computers have been to other sciences. It could therefore be the catalyst needed to dissolve the regional systematic and human physical dichotomies that have long plagued geography and other disciplines that use spatial information.

GIS is a system that integrates spatial and other types of information into a single system and provides a consistent framework for interpreting geographical data.  GIS allows us to modify and present geographical knowledge in new and fascinating ways by digitizing maps and other types of spatial information.

GIS makes connections between activities based on geographic proximity. Looking at data spatially can frequently lead to fresh insights and answers. These connections are frequently overlooked in the absence of GIS, but they are critical to understanding and managing activities and resources. For example, we can use geographic proximity to link toxic waste records with school locations.

GIS provides spatial access to administrative documents such as property ownership, tax files, utility wires and pipes.

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